
8065 | Storm at Sea Multi-Size Diamond Set


This is the diamond and triangle set that many quilters have asked us for. This set fits with the squares and triangles in Sets A and B to make the Storm at Sea block. Sets A and B have been in production since 1995 and we’re excited to have this companion set in the line because now we can use it, too! 🙂

Cut the diamonds and triangles needed for the rectangular units in Storm at Sea blocks in three sizes. See sizes above.The same diamond-and-triangle unit is used in many other block designs, too. Instructions include how to cut the pieces and make the diamond-and-triangle units, along with guidelines for bed size quilts. The instructions do not include yardage for specific size quilts. (Good general instructions on how to figure yardage are included in “More Bang for the Buck”; the same method is used for any quilt design.)

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SKU: 8065 Categories: ,

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